Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Event Horizon Recut - tonal change

Event Horizon was released in 1997 and it was a strange hybrid Sci-Fi/Horror film.  What I remember most about the film was the spiraling camera shots from within space. I also remember the horror, oh the horror!

There is something of beauty locked within this film, and it could call for a RECUT. The main objective would be to change the tone of the film. The main challenge is to take the horror out of the film and replace it with romance and comedy. This could be achieved by replacing the soundtrack and by possibly cutting to dream sequences instead of nightmares. The tone change in itself will create some humor.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Editing with Quicktime 7 Pro

Man. I love making rough edits with Quicktime Pro 7. This makes for a simple way to COPY + PASTE the IN (I) and OUT (O) points of a quicktime movie into a NEW PLAYER. This allows you to create rough edits and prepare material for further editing in a program like Final Cut.

I like to use a program called HANDBRAKE, it rip movie files from DVDs.

I open these files in Quicktime Pro Player. Then I set IN and OUT points for chunks of the movie that I want to edit with. Then I COPY these points, and PASTE the footage into a NEW PLAYER.

After I extract the footage from the movie, I then export it as a quicktime movie. This movie becomes a condensed version that I can then remix in Final Cut Pro.

WHICH MEANS: You can pretty much remix any movie you can get your grubby hands on.